Subway: The Refresh

Subway refreshes the starting line-up with a cast of star-studded athletes

Beginning July 1, 2021, a monumental ruling for the first time allowed NCAA athletes to capitalize on their name, image, and likeness (aka, “NIL”). UEG successfully navigated the ensuing “Wild, Wild West” to create the “Refresh the Rivalry” campaign for Subway. ​

Add in a touch of deep-seated rivalries, a couple charitable components, and a serving of the best players in the game, and we had the recipe for helping to “soft launch” the new Subway Vault and drive digital sales. ​

The campaign objectives were to raise awareness and stoke engagement of Subway’s new sandwich lineup, drive consideration for Subway as a game day go-to and generate digital sales via ​

With the power of 7 NCAA football players, 3 rivalry match-ups (Michigan vs. Ohio, Ole Miss vs. Miss St and Auburn vs. Alabama), 2 Conference Championships, 2 Bowl Games, 2 Playoff Games, and 1 National Championship game - there were 99 pieces of unique content developed resulting in 33MM organic impressions, 3MM+ reach, 5.8% engagement rate, 91% positive sentiment, and over 91M subs sold (client’s goal was for 100 subs) and $1.1MM in revenue during the campaign window! ​

From the press

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